Tuesday 11 March 2014

#One Week - Winter '14 - The Turn

This year I remembered; I bought a bright red sledge. It lent against the hall way wall for weeks and weeks. Sad. Unused.

'It's not winter yet Mummy, it hasn't snowed.'
Only wind. Only rain.
'I'm hoping it will,' I replied, silently cussing the clouds, 'there's still plenty of time.'

Is there? Do you think so? I have since transferred the sledge to Little A's garden play house, the bulbs and blossoms arriving early; pinks, blues, oranges, yellows... I'm not complaining, it's really truly lovely; but winter isn't winter without one thick dumping of white the stuff, and anyway, I'm rather partial to icicles.

I had hoped to take Little A sledging on the gentle inclines of Cassiobury Park... Scarves, woolly hats, three pairs of socks. Misty breath. Catching snowflakes in gaping mouths, on nose tips. Cold pink cheeks. And desperate times called for desperate measures; so we satisfied ourselves with indoor snowball fights - fake snowballs, crunching like the real thing, bought for Little A's birthday party - bouncing off face and limb, scattering over the living room floor. Snowballs that can be bagged and saved for envelopes of boredom...

But it's all so beguiling. It could all change; turn so suddenly. Apres ski in April anyone?

#oneweek winter '14 has proved to be such a challenge... I have struggled with ideas for posts, and the words haven't flowed easily, inspiration sorely lacking; its been such an unusual season...

This is the third and final day of the seasonal linky One WeekI wanted to say a big, big thank you to all those lovely bloggers who joined in, and those who commented, and tweeted, in support of this project.

One Week will return in spring, dates TBC. So get your cameras at the ready and imaginative hats on! For more details about One Week, take a gander here. You can join in for one, two ... or the full three days...

Badge Code ...

<a href="http://older-mum.blogspot.co.uk/p/one-week.html" title="One Week"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8436/7807711152_5f912c7903_m.jpg" width="225" height="169" alt="one week" /></a>


  1. I love your photos. I agree, it has been a wish washy winter. I so wanted snow too. Hopefully a wonderful spring will compensate for the lack of winter. I'm sorry I didn't manage to link up this time. I had a post - but it just didn't seem to come together, maybe it is a seasonal thing - I'm struggling for words too. x

    1. Thank you, I was quite pleased with them too. This winter has been a complete wash out... typically, the winter I bought the sledge, nothing happened, but I guess that could all change still. Don't worry about not linking up - no problem; there's always the spring edition, and anyway, I am guessing you are exceptionally busy right now. X

  2. We were so disappointed about the snow and very thankful when we found some for the day while on holiday in Italy!

    1. Wasn't it disappointing? Well there's still April and May to get through; remember last year? At least you enjoyed some in Italy!

  3. For a lack if inspiration you have done an amazing #oneweek! Don't dispare about the snow, by birthday is in the first week of April and it is always far more likely to snow on my birthday than at christmas.

    1. That's very kind, but I really was uninspired - I had an idea for one post, but struggled with the other two... and yes, it may very well snow in April, it's a bonkers month when it comes to the weather.

  4. Inspiration to write about winter has not been lacking on our side of the pond, and this in itself has helped my acceptance of the season, snow not really being my favourite thing! I have watched the dismal, driech weather in the UK and I can imagine that it does not lend itself to finding those inspirational moments.
    I love the photos in this post, so evocative of early spring. I do hope that the red sledge is put to good use, if not this year then next x Thanks for hosting, I absolutely love this linky.

    1. So it's been the same for both of us but with the continuation of different weather: me, rain; you, snow. But I am glad it helped you to achieve some sort of acceptance. Winter is a difficult season to write about; it doesn't yield the best of photos, there isn't much colour! And thank you for liking the photos, I hope that spring comes good and proper now too. And thank you so much for joining in!

  5. Gosh, I think you'r writing has been amazing! I'm really enjoying your posts, this one included. The flower photos are stunning.

    We bought a blue sled 3 years ago at the end of the very snowy Winter when we were snow bound for the first time ever. It hasn't snowed since so our sled is in the shed too!

    I really must join in this #OneWeek next time..... xx Jazzy

    1. Thank you, but I really, really was uninspired; it was a hard one to write about this time around. I like the blossom in the pictures too. It hasn't snowed in three years for you!? That's a long time! And please do join in next time for the spring edition. X

  6. My kids are distraught at the lack of snow, it has been one long Autumn really hasn't it! Bet we get snow in June or something now!

    1. That's a good description - it has been one long autumn; the leaves were still dropping off the trees in December, and we probably will get snow in April, May...

  7. Wonderful post Sarah - beautiful words and photos as always. I've been hoping for snow too, they're just the right age aren't they. Also with POD being born on Christmas Day and it being really snowy then, there's something really sentimental about it I guess. My Winter post seems to be about escaping the rain which we did a lot of - it's been weird hasn't it!

    I was hoping to do 3 posts for One Week but it's been impossible. Sorry for being so rubbish, must write that post for you. I shall be back later for more commenting xxx

    1. Thank you very much Charly! 3/4... are so the best ages for snow; can't believe we haven't had any this year (yet). I can't remember the last winter we had none at all. And I think that's what my #oneweek has been this time around, same as you, escaping the rain.... very, very weird indeed. And it's great you've written the one post, and take your time with the other :o) X

  8. A very strange winter indeed, and now signs of spring all around. Fingers crossed for no snow in April. Gorgeous blossom pic.

    1. Thank you very much.... fingers crossed spring is really here, but you never know, we have April to get through first, and that can be a very strange month!

  9. We/ve turned here in Israel. It's been spring for a couple of weeks with very warm weather. Then this week it suddenly turned again - cold, rain storms, high winds, thunder, lightning. Loving it. But the almond blossom is out and it looks beautiful.

    1. Sounds like you are having some very changeable weather at the moment and that you are enjoying it, or were you being ironic :o).... it's getting late, my head isn't glued on properly. Blossom rocks; it's gone bonkers here lately, looks like snow on trees!

  10. Wow, those photos are utterly captivating! Beautiful! I think this Winter has been a really funny one, I think maybe better than last winter but as all I seem to remember was the big freeze that seemed to go on and on. We would have loved some snow, brings back such happy memories of sledging with my boy xx

    1. Thank you very much lovely! It has been very strange indeed, and last winter was a pain too; as you say, it went on and on. A little snow would be nice; let's see what April brings... X

  11. Aaron only discovered snow angels AFTER the snow last year, so was desperately waiting for Winter AND snow. Every time I SAID Xmas is coming he'd say "and snow?" I have lost count of how many times I said "soon" "soon". I was very very excited to see Spring arrive, but it's like a C-section where you have the baby without the labour, in this case Winter. I can so relate to what you say, which is why I focused on Aaron and super heroes, as there wasn't much weather related I could say about this Winter. Aaron got through a lot of it with body warmers and hoodies, rather than a proper jacket. xx

    1. Same with Little A; she has it in her head that when it's winter the snow comes.... no snow has come (yet) and she's quite upset about it, her sledge unused. And poor Aaron; maybe April might deliver a blanket or two, it's such an unpredictable month. Still, it is nice to see a bit of spring after all the rain. X

    2. Sadly I have this feeling that we have escaped the white blanket this year....... sad.......... but true xx

    3. You are probably right but I'm not holding my breath either; stranger things have happened in April. X

  12. We're prepared with sledges this year and am holding on to the fact it snowed at Easter in April last year! Beautiful photos and meme as always. I particularly like the mixture of colour and b&w XX

    1. I am still kind of prepared.... April can throw up anything! Thank you very much but it has been a challenge this time around... black and white and colour can look quite effective! X

  13. Well I would never have guessed that you have struggled - your posts have been the usual mix of poetic, beauty. This one doesn't disappoint and the photograph is stunning. Such a shame we have had no snow this winter. Sorry I've not joined in this week, took no decent wintry photographs so my imagination was lacking :( Spring is my favourite season so I am hoping to be back next time. X

    1. That's very kind of you but I did. Snow would have been nice, and would have certainly made winter a little more interesting aside from all the wind and water... don't worry about not joining in lovely; there's always spring! X

  14. What beautiful photos, I love that they are all B&W with just a little glimpse of colour. We also bought a new sledge and all the kids are kitted out with snow boots - that remain unworn. Whoops, how wasteful of me! Mich x

    1. Thank you very much; it's a nice effect with such subtle pinks. I don't think that was wasteful, after all, we are used to snow most winters, and there's always April to look forward to! X

  15. Hello, I've been rubbish yet again and not taken part, it always seems to occur when my blogging is at its most erratic - house full of colds, renovations galore etc! Anyway, loved reading your post - your blog is always such a haven of calm. And the photos... those flowers... beautiful. xx

    1. No worries :o)... sorry to hear you all have colds, and I hope the renovations are all going well. Thank you for thinking my blog is a haven of calm (unlike me LOL)! Isn't the blossom lovely at the moment? X

  16. Stunning pictures S! Believe it or not we haven't had that much snow either. Not compared to last year anyway... But then one year I did get the winter tyres taken off in April and the next day it snowed, so who knows!! x

    1. Well I'll take that as a big compliment coming from such a talented photographer as yourself. Where has the snow gone this year? Oh well, there's always April, the weirdest month of the year! X

  17. those photos are stunning! I bought a sledge this year as I didn't want them fighting over one. Hey ho - put it in the loft x

    1. Thank you very much! You never know, you might have to pull it out again - April is just around the corner, and anything goes in April! X

  18. We had a tiny flurry at work one morning so I can count this winter as one where it snowed, but it's nothing to the years before where it was white and fluffy and wonderful; I think we might have to wait for next year now though!

    1. I guess you could, it is snow after all.... we had some proper falls last year though. If nothing happens next month then we will probably have to wait until next winter!

  19. Oh wow, your photos (and the collage) took my breathe away. Stunning. Forget about the wishy washy winter, your photos aren't. And I can't believe I've missed this One Week series AGAIN! I resolve to look out for it in spring (hang on , it is spring isn't it? or at least, something doing a darn good job of disguising itself as spring!) S

    1. Thank you very much..... but I really did lack a lot of inspiration. Best thing to do is check in with my One Week page, I usually put the dates on there, and I will remind you nearer the time - promise; it probably won't be until June anyway!

  20. I'm still awaiting a flurry. It was this time last year when Wales had a flash fall and ended up under three feet of snow in 24 hours. It could still happen. I'm so sorry I didn't join in with one week this time. I haven't fell very motivated for winter. But spring will be a whole different ballgame.

    1. I'm with you, I'm not convinced winter is totally over with yet; look at the last two years - snow in April and May! Don't worry if you didn't join in, I'm not surprised - it was a very uninspiring winter :o).

  21. Oh no! Please no snow in April!! xx


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