Monday 24 September 2012

100 Word Challenge - Long Way Down


David, dressed, sat on the edge of the bed, summarising his existence.

Always wanting. Never stopping. Grasping more.

Staring at the carpet, he witnessed the empty abyss of his own creation. It was a long way down.

It mattered not whether he returned the advance. He was finished.

Dead if he did. Dead if he didn't.

But The Client could kiss his note stuffed arse as far as the money was concerned.

Laptop open, he distributed the dividends without trace. Most to charity. Some to his brother. And a little compensatory bonus to Charlotte - he owed her.

Then, for a last cup of coffee.

I'm linking up with JB47's 100 Word Challenge. This week's prompt was an image ...

This is part of a wider story. You can read the other instalments in the series here.


  1. Every time I read an installment I want to read the whole story. I can't decide whether to go back and read them all or wait until the end.

    1. Mmmmm ... wait until the end :o). I have to keep rereading the other instalments every time I write a new one - just to make sure the whole thing is tying up. I foolishly started writing this without a clear ending in mind!

  2. Oh wow now I want to read the rest of it too! So sad, and a great take on the prompt. I haven't done a 100 word challenge for EVER. There just aren't enough hours in the day at the moment. When are you planning on finishing the whole story - any ideas?

    1. Thank you! Hours in the day - I wish I had a lot more too! Planning to finish this story in the coming months!

  3. I like the quiet, matter-of-fact tone. One can really picture David systematically tidying up his life.

    1. Thank you - that was what I was trying to portray - he's made up his mind and bow he wants to get the job done!

  4. Oooh is this part of an ongoing story. Want to read it all!
    Liska x

  5. Blimey! And there I was worrying about bin night!

  6. Love the fact he's dished out the allows the thread of the story to go in different directions now. What will Charlotte do when she finds out? Why did he leave it to her? Interesting! x

    1. Which direction I'm not quite sure - if I'm not careful, I'm going to wind up in a right old narrative muddle! I have a few ideas though - your comments are helping me out with ideas! X.

  7. It may be part of a larger story, but it works very very well on its own!

  8. I don't quite understand it (I see it's part of a much longer story), but it makes me curious to know. That's one of the most important things for a writer to do. Right?

    1. I don't blame you for not 'getting it' as its not really a stand alone piece. Glad it made you feel curious and for referring to me a as writer - I still don't use that term to describe myself (lack confidence!).

  9. Oh dear, seems like he's created one heck of a mess for himself. Glad he had time for one last cup of coffee, I like to think he changed his mind about jumping while drinking it.

    1. Ah - you've been following the story then :o) 'Mess' would be an understatement!

  10. Oh sad. I'll find the time to go back to the rest of the story.


  11. A very last cup of coffee? Intriguing!

    1. Yes,'fraid so - he's not a very happy bunny, but his mind is made up!


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